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Red Brook Inn - Real Haunts in Old Mystic CT

  • 2750 Gold Star Hwy.
  • Old Mystic, CT
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Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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"This inn was built back in 1770 by the Crary family and is said to have some ghosts that wander around. The apparition of Nancy Cracy has been seen, a gray-haired woman in a shawl. She is seen in the North Room on the second floor, and is believed to have saved lives there when she awakened the guests after a fire started. Another ghost here is a previous owner’s wife. Legend says that the owner and his wife’s best friend had an affair, and when the wife found out she banned her friend from the place. 12 years after the wife passed away, the owner married the best friend. When she had a birthday party in the place, a horrible stench of rotting or decay followed her and her guests from room to room, spoiling the party. Voices and cold spots have been reported by guests and employees alike.

Reports say the inn is no longer open for business."
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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 3,223
Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3308 days ago)

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