
Real Haunted Places Across Connecticut

Across ##Region##, there are countless locations that are believed to be haunted, ranging from houses & hotels, to lighthouses, roadways, and wooded areas - ghosts and spirits don't seem to discriminate when it comes to what locations they're haunting! Find out all about Connecticut's unique haunted locales, many of which are open to the public, and if you're feeling very brave, visit one of these exciting haunted places!
  •   Velvet Street Trumbull, CT
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    Rumored to be haunted by a group of patients from a nearby mental hospital, this street is also known as Dracula Drive. It is now surrounded by woods and features a straight path with private driveways. It is best to use extra caution at nighttime, as the road is quite curvy and extremely dark. Read More

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  •   Nathan Hale Homestead Coventry, CT
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    Nathan Hale's father Deacon lived at this homestead until his death in 1802 and the property is rumored to be haunted by him/ Deacon's apparition has been seen in Colonial clothing. A ghostly lady in white has also been seen and people think she was a servant because she can be seen sweeping the floors and cleaning. Joseph Hale, the brother of Nathan, was once captured and imprisoned in... Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Museums

  •   Talcott House Westbrook, CT
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    Strange happenings that have occurred at this location include beds that become unmade although no one has touched them, ragtime music that plays from the vents, and a piano that plays on its own. Some reports say that the original owner was a wealthy man who was killed in a fire and that during a recent renovation, the building caught fire again. Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Places

  • Olde Newgate Prison East Granby, CT
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    This location was once a copper mine back in 1705 and its tunnels were made into Connecticut's first prison from 1773-1827. The location is a popular site for paranormal activity and several apparitions and a ghostly tour guide have been reported here. Screams have been heard and people have reported being touched by something unseen. Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Museums

  • Downs Road Hamden, CT
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    Downs Road is closed on both ends and is filled with ruins of former homes. One of the ghost stories that surround the road is that of the Downs Road Monster, who some say was actually an albino horse. Others include different ghostly apparitions and eerie creatures such as Melon Heads, rumored to leave claw marks on the cars that park in the area. Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses | Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods) | Real Haunted Roads & Highways

  •   Fort Nathan Hale New Haven, CT
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    This fort has reportedly seen glowing orbs, unexplained voices, apparitions of soldiers and more. These strange happenings have been reported here for over 100 years. Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)

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    The Sheffield Island Lighthouse in Norwalk dates back to 1868 and was built to help ships reach Connecticut's Sheffield Island. The Victorian-style lighthouse features 10 rooms and has quite the troubled past. In the early 1970s, the lighthouse's original keeper died suddenly while watching passing ships with a spyglass. His death was never fully explained. Fast forward to the early... Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Places

  •   Homespun Farm Griswold, CT
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    Old Man Simon is the friendly ghost that is believed to haunt this location that may no longer be a bed and breakfast. The spirit of Simon Brewster, one of the farm's original owners, has been seen watching over the tending of the garden area and orchards. Reports of Simon's wife haunting the home has been made as well, saying that you can hear footsteps going up the stairs in the... Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Places

  • Whirlwind Road Wallingford, CT
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    Although this road features gorgeous views of open fields and estates, it's also said to be the home to a resident ghost. Legends say that a woman's spirit appears on the road, soaking wet from drowning herself after her fiancé left her at the alter. Stories say she appears on the road, vanishing once you pass her. Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Roads & Highways

  • Lindley Street Bridgeport, CT
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    There is a horrific story that is linked to Lindley Street, and it is known as one of the most documented haunted in Connecticut's history. After the 1974 situation, the street brought in a ton of attention, although it was later said that the whole poltergeist occurrence was a hoax. There were still many events that took place that could not be explained, making some believe that the... Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Places

  • Seaside Sanatorium Waterford, CT
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    This location was built in the 1930s for children suffering from tuberculosis. It has also been a home for the elderly, a hospital and a facility for those that are mentally impaired. Paranormal investigators have found orbs at the location that show up in photos, along with electronic voice phenomena. Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Hospitals & Asylums

  • Hell Hollow Road Voluntown, CT
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    This narrow road sits along the Hell Hollow Pond and is believed to be haunted by a girl named Maude who was murdered. Reports of screams have been heard in the area, many believe the sounds come from Maude's spirit crying out. Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Roads & Highways

  •   Sterling Opera House Derby, CT
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    This opera house dates back to 1889 and was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1968. The building became abandoned in the 1960s and has undergone renovations. Many believe the location is haunted, as apparitions of shadow figures have appeared, along with the hand prints of a child. Orbs and figures in Victorian-era clothing have appeared in photos. The location was... Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Theaters

  •   Bara-Hack Pomfret, CT
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    This abandoned town was once a settlement that begin in 1780 and it is rumored to be haunted by livestock's, children playing, voices, wagons, people singing and more. Spirits have been seen of a man with a beard and a child. This land is private property and it is reported that no trespassing is allowed. Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Places

  •   Daniel Benton Homestead Tolland, CT
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    This location dates back to 1720 and was home to six generations of Bentons. Daniel Benton built the home and his grandson Elisha is rumored to be one of the possible hauntings here. Elisha was captured while fighting the British in the Revolutionary War and ended up catching smallpox on the prison ship. When he made it home, his true love Jemima Barrows, who was 12 years younger, took... Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Museums

  •   Dudleytown Cornwall, CT
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    Locals call this ghost town the "Village of the Damned." It began as a settlement in the 1740s and is situated in the middle of a forest. Only foundations remain on the property and reports say many spirits linger here, some that have been captured on film. Orbs have also been seen in the area. The land is now privately owned. Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)

  •   Deep River Public Library Deep River, CT
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    This library is located inside an 1881 building and was originally built as the home to Banker Richard Pratt Spencer and his family. In 1933 is when it became a library and although additions were made over the years, people say the original part of the building is haunted. Disembodied voices, eerie noises and the feeling that invisible entities are present have all been reported here. Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Libraries

  •   Jeremy Swamp Road Southbury, CT
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    Located in Southbury, Connecticut, Jeremy Swamp Road is believed to be haunted by a ghostly woman that was hit by a car and killed while walking along the road. Her spirit is said to linger the area and drivers have reported seeing her apparition on the side of the road or even in the backseat of their car! In addition to seeing her ghost, other reports along the road include eerie... Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses | Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Roads & Highways

  • Remington Arms Factory Bridgeport, CT
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    This former weapons factory was featured on the TV show Ghost Adventures and was closed in the 1980s because of its myriad accidents (most were fatal). The abandoned building is allegedly a hot spot for spirits that appear as shadowy figures. Also reported at the location is the sounds of weapon-factory work, talking voices, and yelling. Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Places

  •   Charles Island Milford, CT
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    In 1699, a well-known pirate named Captain William Kidd visited the island and legend says he hid a portion of his treasure here. Some believe it's beneath a giant boulder called Hog Rock. The Captain supposedly laid a curse on anyone who went looking for it and the island is also said to have been cursed by the Paugussett tribe, who were angry when European settlers took up residence... Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)

  • Penfield Reef Lighthouse Fairfield, CT
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    This lighthouse was completed in 1874 and is believed to be haunted by lightkeeper Fred A. Jordan. He died in 1916 while attempting to get to shore to see his family for Christmas. His rowboat capsized, and his body was found three months later. Apparitions of him began to appear, coming from his former room. His voice and footsteps have also been heard. Some believe Jordan’s spirit has... Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)

  • Saw Mill City Road Shelton, CT
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    Witnesses have reported seeing shadowy figures darting from tree to tree along this stretch of road. The scariest location on this road is said to run parallel to the Means Brook Reservoir. The apparitions are said to increase on this curvy road during the warmer months. Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Roads & Highways

  •   Church of Eternal Light Bristol, CT
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    This church was once a schoolhouse when it opened in 1884 and it is rumored to be haunted by a ghostly face that appears in the windows of the bell tower. People have reported seeing spirit orbs here as well. No one is quite certain who the ghost is though. One story believes its a parishioner who was struck by lightning on the front steps to the church. Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Places

  •   Connecticut State Capitol Hartford, CT
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    This Victorian Gothic building is believed to be haunted by a former governor. The Capitol features a bronze state of former governor William Buckingham near its west entrance, and he is believed to haunt the place since he died in 1875. It has been reported that he seems to like Room 324 the best as cold spots and apparitions have been seen here. According to staff, footsteps have also... Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Places

  • Undercliff Sanatorium Meriden, CT
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    This building was originally built for children who suffered from tuberculosis and it is rumored to be quite haunted. Some of the strange happenings that have occurred here include screams, footsteps, apparitions of dead patients, voices, and laughter and crying of unseen children. Ghost hunters have also captured EVPs. The site is on state property and it is reported that no... Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Hospitals & Asylums

  • New London Ledge Light New London, CT
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    This lighthouse dates back to 1909 and is home to the legend of Ernie, a lightkeeper whose spirits reportedly lingers the grounds, making knocking sounds at night, opening and closing doors, taking sheets off beds and turning TVs on and off. Legend says that Ernie killed himself after finding out about his wife's affair. He cut his throat and jumped off the upper level of the... Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Places

  • Lake Compounce Bristol, CT
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    This Theme Park is the oldest operating park in the U.S. and it believed to be quite haunted. Deaths that occurred here include that of a 16-year-old girl who fell from a roller coaster in 1981, a 16-year-old park employee who was killed while working on the Tornado ride in 1999, a 6-year-old boy who drowned on the Lake Plunge waterslide in 2000, a 23-year-old maintenance worker killed... Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)

  •   The Bruce Museum Old Greenwich, CT
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    The Bruce Museum in Old Greenwich is rumored to be one of the most haunted places in all of Connecticut. Stories say that in the late 1800s, two Irish servants who were working at Belle Haven mansions, fell in love. The boy would play his flute to entertain her, especially near what is now the Bruce Museum. The boy mysteriously disappeared before the two could marry, and the girl was... Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Museums

  •   Hartford Conservatory Hartford, CT
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    Strange occurrences at this location include doors being slammed, classical music being played on the piano, a light that won't stay turned off, and an apparition of a woman wearing a Victorian dress. This location was featured on an episode of TV's Ghost Hunters. Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Colleges

  • Bruce Park Greenwich, CT
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    Bruce Park in Greenwich is rumored to be haunted by the ghost of a woman who instead of a head, has a collection of snakes. This story came about in the mid 1990s when a group of teens were hanging out at the park's picnic grounds. The ghostly woman made an appearance when the teens became too loud. The snakes on her head hissed at the teens before they fled the park. Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)

  •   Hearthstone Castle Danbury, CT
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    Located on Brushy Hill Road in Danbury, the Hearthstone Castle features sixteen rooms throughout three stories. The castle was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1987 and has also gone by the name "Parks' Castle" and "The Castle." The City of Danbury now owns the property and it is located in Tarrywile Park. The abandoned castle is not only creepy but there have been... Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Castles

  •   Bush-Holley House Cos Cob, CT
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    The Bush-Holley House in Cos Cob is believed to be haunted by the ghost of a girl who was once a slave. Before the state of Connecticut abolished slavery, the owners of the home owned slaves as servants. The slaves lived in the attic of the house, which is now on display in the museum. The girl's ghost is known to linger in the old wash house of the Bush-Holley House. Local author, Anya... Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Places

  •   Boothe Memorial Park Stratford, CT
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    Boothe Memorial Park in Stratford is known as “the oldest homestead in America." The Boothe brothers were said to be quite spiritual people and even built shrines in the homestead. This is what is believed to be the cause of the hauntings on the premises. The location has been explored by paranormal research groups, who have reported odd feelings and experiences, including hearing... Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)

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    There are three Colonial buildings that make up the Milford Historical Society and they all are believed to be haunted. The Eells-Stow House is the oldest of the three and is rumored to be haunted by former occupant and heroic town doctor, Captain Stephen Stow. He died in 1777 after taking care of 200 soldiers who were suffering from smallpox. Some believe they can feel the doctor's... Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Museums

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